Thursday April 4, 2024 | 10:00 AM EDT
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Discover the perfect solution for crafting flawless drawers with precision – the AXYZ WOODWORKER CNC Router! While cutting half-blind dovetail joints on a CNC router may seem challenging at first, it’s quite manageable with the right approach. CNC routers provide unmatched precision and repeatability, making the process easier and ensuring clean and precise cuts every time. Join us for an exclusive webinar where you’ll explore the art of drawer making on the AXYZ WOODWORKER CNC Router, gaining valuable insights into efficient cabinetry production. Whether you’re a beginner, seasoned woodworker or a production manager seeking efficiency, this webinar is your ticket to mastering the craft and achieving superior results. Don’t miss out – elevate your woodworking skills today!
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In this webinar, you will learn: