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Get a copy of AXYZ’s latest product brochure

Learn all about our extensive range of AXYZ CNC Routers. Choose between our five major brands – the Infinite, Innovator, METALWorker, Trident and PANELBuilder.

Each brochure looks in detail at process areas, system strengths, machine features and machine options, to help you make an informed decision.  Customize your machine for the perfect tailored cutting solution.


Receive a copy of the latest brochure delivered right to your Inbox!  Submit the form below and specify the product model (Infinite, Innovator, METALWorker, Trident or PANELBuilder) you’re interested in. You can also request a copy of a brochure by email to


Contact your local sales and support office, and take the next step to a long-lasting and profitable relationship.  You can also complete an online contact form with your specific requirements here.