Increase savings for your business when you buy capital equipment or software before the end of 2021. Tax incentives in the US and Canada are available to all business owners who qualify.
Browse through our AXYZ router product line to see what’s available. Whether you’re fabricating foam, acrylic, or metal, our CNC machines can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Take advantage of these incentives today!

USA – How much money can I save?
Use this 2021 Tax Deduction Calculator to see how much money you could save, depending on your qualification and the amount you spend. For questions about Section 179 and whether you qualify, contact your Tax Specialist. Visit for more information.
Canada – Accelerated Investment Incentive

Take advantage of Canada’s Accelerated Investment Incentive (AII) now so you can start saving sooner. Click here for more information about the Accelerated Investment Incentive or speak to your Tax Specialist to see how you may qualify.
For questions about our equipment, fill out the online contact form or call the nearest office at a location near you.