Acrylite®: The Material for Inspiring Minds

One look at the range of industry solutions that Acrylite® caters to, and you’ll instantly understand why Roehm America LLC is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of acrylic (polymethyl methacrylate -PMMA) sheets. But did you know that Roehm is also the inventor of acrylic, the material that is fast replacing glass for a multitude of applications? The company started in Germany back in 1933, and since then, switched names a couple of times before reverting back to the original “Roehm” name. Today, you’ll find their portfolio of Acrylite® acrylic sheet products in architecture and the construction industry, lighting, and design applications, picture framing and aviation industries, electronics and communications, as well as furniture, trade show, and sign construction. For leaders in innovation, the company brands itself as “inspiration personified” – opening doors to endless possibilities where creativity rules supreme and naturally, involves acrylic.

“We met AXYZ at a trade show (back in 2015) where they were demonstrating the routing of acrylic,” says Brian Fraser, Innovation Manager. “The edge finish of the acrylic piece being produced at the show was very, very impressive.” Initial discussions commenced quickly with Noel Archie, AXYZ Sales Support Manager, and a relationship developed that still exists today. Before long, Roehm was providing Acrylite® acrylic samples to AXYZ for use in trade and product shows, as well as AXYZ in-house CNC expos. AXYZ is always looking for the next generation acrylic for testing and tests all of Roehm’s new acrylic products.
Roehm needed a durable and efficient machine that could produce a high-quality edge finish on acrylic directly from the router. The Pacer Series, designed specifically for manufacturers that require precision, reliability, and ease of use, was the perfect match.
“We use this AXYZ Router [The Pacer] for demonstrations during our customer training and testing of all new Acrylite® sheet products,” explains Fraser. “We recommend the AXYZ router to our customers as well as the bits, feeds and speeds they have developed to produce a very high-quality edge finish.”
Today, Roehm uses the Pacer to fabricate acrylic parts, new acrylic prototypes, testing machinability of new acrylic products, customer and internal routing training. Many acrylic pieces are cut with an edge finish that eliminates the need for additional edge finishing operations. Not only does this save time, but it’s a huge reduction in labor costs.
The edge finish on the acrylic routed on the AXYZ router is one of the best edge finishes I have seen from a router.
– Brian Fraser, Innovation Manager, Roehm America
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